"They probably won’t attack, too busy warring with the basilisks for their homeland most of the time...."
- Chapter 12, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Oculus Venenatus
Habitat: Swamplands or anywhere below ground
Diet: Carnivore
Average Lifespan: 30-40 years
Species Density: Uncommon
Range: Exclusive to Lungia
First discovered by the dragons during the Imperial Era, most stories attest that a pair of mysterious eggs washed ashore in eastern Lungia. The dragons, still in the time when they were soft-hearted and curious, nurtured the eggs within their once-capital city Elixtria. However, once these first two basilisks hatched, the fatal nature of their gaze was soon apparent. The dragons made a hasty and poor attempt to remove the two basilisks, but they were allowed to escape them. The basilisks bred prolifically beneath the city and within a month, the dragons were ousted from their seat of power. Soon after, the war they have fought for their homeland ever since began in earnest.
The majority of the basilisk's body is feathered and bird-like, with a round centre, clawed feet, and vestigial wings. At the collar, plumage gives way to scales and a long serpentine neck, ending in a reptilian head. Coloration of both sections of their bodies can vary, though often their avian portions will be a duller hue compared to the frequently vibrant serpent parts.
Whilst the basilisks are far from the only creatures to utilise an optical venom, they are arguably the most famous and most deadly. As with all such predators who use an optical venom, the basilisks possess the ability to alter the colour of their eyes. By forcing a colour outside of the normal visual spectrum to be rendered within the visual spectrum, this causes severe injury to the prey's brain, which cannot comprehend or process the 'impossible' colour. The optical venom further lodges itself in its victim's memory centre, causing further damage for as long as the victim can remember it. Sighting a basilisk's altered gaze first leads to muscle-spasms, followed by severe intercranial pressure. If untreated, most individuals will be dead within hours - the exact timeframe depending on the distance from which the venom was observed and for how long. The effect can be reduced by filtering the eye's exposure to the venom, such as by viewing it through forbosol lenses, which the dragons almost universally apply to their battle armour. Viewing it in such a way merely induces a high degree of pain, which passes with time. As with all optical venoms, the only known antidote to full exposure is Leethian Serum, which obviously comes with its own life-altering side-effects.
Debate continues as to what level of societal sophistication the basilisks possess. Most dragons would have us believe they are nothing more than invasive pests, capable only of mindless aggression. In support of this, the rare diplomatic attempts the dragons - or indeed other races - have made, have been met with violence. Yet scattered reports suggest the basilisks show many hallmarks of higher thinking.
They have built rudimentary domed structures for shelter, a network of tunnels beneath the ground spanning the breadth of their territory, and several 'lighthouses' projecting various coloured beams for an unknown purpose. No examples of writing have been discovered but rather than 'speak' with one another, the largely silent basilisks communicate by flashing their eyes different colours, implying at least some form of language. They have been seen to herd (and perhaps even rear) the large flightless kuma which populate Lungia and make up the basilisks' main food-source.
Though in the past, others among the Eight Great Races have struggled to combat the dragons, the basilisks have managed to hold their own. During the Age of War, they were seen to use a compound which severely diminished the destructive power of dragon-fire - something which the rest of Paralex would not come close to doing for some centuries to come. Their smoke-stacks darken the skies above their territory with smog, giving any flying dragons difficulty from the air. They learnt how to funnel gasses into daffin-pods, sending them floating up into the sky to snare unwary dragons.
Despite their seeming 'advances' the basilisks pay little mind to the seas they have access to, apparently making no attempts (or lacking the knowledge) to build any form of boats or ships. It remains illegal under all laws for anyone besides the dragons to travel within one mile of basilisk territory, by land or sea. Seeing the centuries of war and strife the basilisks have (knowingly or not) inflicted on the mighty dragons, it does not bear imagining what havoc they might wreck upon the rest of Paralex given the chance.
She cocked her head at the treeline. “A blood ape or a skinnster could come out of there any minute….”
- Chapter 22, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Simia Rufus
Habitat: Sea-adjacent jungle
Diet: Multivore (Carnivore + Emotivore)
Average Lifespan: 60-70 years
Species Density: Uncommon
Range: Stratigent Jep, Hyperion Jungle, Mirandara Jungle
Found throughout the jungles of Paralex, the blood ape is named for the dark red colouration of its fur. They prefer to stay high among the trees, spending up to ten hours per day asleep. But even in this dormant state, their ability to sense movement remains acutely active. The moment they detect viable prey in their vicinity, they descend from their hiding place with fearsome physical strength and savagery. They tear and smash at their prey to such an extent that when they’re finished the remains are all but unidentifiable. Part of the reason for this excessive viciousness is to instil great terror in their prey, with the blood ape further nourishing itself on the emotion.
Solitary hunters, the only time they mix with their own kind is during mating season, where males and females battle over comparatively smaller hales. Offspring swiftly learn how to catch prey and leave their mother within a few months.
A blood ape’s territory can be discerned by areas bare of vegetation, the ground and surrounding trees marked by deep gouges. Upon seeing this the aspiring zoologist had best tread softly or better yet, turn tail at once.
Managing to turn himself upside down, Sam’s gaze landed on the ducks gathered on the cobbles below. Though white as the snowy street around them, there was nothing innocent about these feathered hoodlums. Ten pairs of soulless black eyes were locked on Sam, using their telekinetic powers to hold him in the air.
- Chapter 1, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Anas Attollimus
Habitat: Woodlands / rural environments
Diet: Multivore (Carnivore + Herbivore)
Average Lifespan: 12-14 years
Species Density: Critically Endangered
Range: Exclusive to Besfen
Leading zoologists agree that most all waterfowl are naturally bad-tempered, with a certain predilection to terrorising anyone who crosses their path. The infamous menzian ducks are of course no exception.
Their primary offensive power is telekinesis, which all individual ducks possess in some form, but which is also amplified in accordance with how many ducks are gathered in one place. For example, a lone duck can telekinetically shove someone aside or snatch something from their hands, but it would take several ducks working together to levitate a person or pull a door from its hinges.
As already noted, the menzian ducks, like so many of their feathered kin, would go out of their way to cause trouble in populated environments. In times past, flocks would hold small villages to ransom, attacking stores without reason or else levitating people until they were given sufficient food. So troublesome were they that hunters came from all over (often with a cross-bow and a healthy distance) to exterminate the ducks plaguing the Wandrums. Though at the urging of the Norton Zoological Society they were spared total extinction. Thus it was decided that when the people of Besfen wished to live independently from Paralex, that request was granted - as long as they agreed to take and nurture the world’s last flock of menzian ducks.
“Because Acheron’s very first crime was an attack on the Great Library of Alec-Cassem. There, he imprisoned and tortured Ipartus, last of the eidetta, perhaps the wisest creature in all of Paralex….”
- Chapter 6, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Mobala Vetus
Habitat: (Formerly) Anywhere with dense magical energies
Diet: Mystrovore
Average Lifespan: [UNKNOWN] (Indefinite?)
Species Density: EXTINCT
Range: (Formerly) Throughout Paralex
Ever since they first spoke to other beings Before History, the eidetta were regarded as the wisest creatures in the world. Uniquely positioned to be so, they possessed a hive-mind, genetic memory, and a brain specifically crafted to hold such. This allowed every individual eidetta access to all the knowledge obtained by their species stretching back centuries. Sadly their capacity for information appeared only to reach as far as the beginning of the Imperial Era. Whenever they were quizzed on matters Before History, they remarked that it was a time before even their knowledge.
But their mental abilities went beyond mere memory. For though in appearance they looked like an oceanic drakenray or zina-ray grown to epic proportions, they glided through the air, not water. This was achieved via a powerful telekinetic field which surrounded their bodies and allowed them to manipulate any nearby physical matter. They communicated through telepathy, speaking directly into the minds of others, never being seen to make audible sounds.
A simple matter of asking the eidetta, revealed they were mystrovores, answering why they were most often seen near places with a high percentage of magicians. This same way, Paralex learned they reproduced asexually and even they did not know their full possible lifespan. Indeed, no eidetta was ever observed to have died of natural causes.
However it was their near infinite knowledge which wholly defined their existence. For a person could never ‘converse’ with an eidetta in the conventional sense - they would only ever respond with facts and never initiated contact themselves. People have debated throughout history as to whether the eidetta could not or would not express opinions.
In this same sense they seemed unconcerned with ‘advancing’ their species; they never built nor created anything. When dying Emperor Iftus sought to hand his lands to the eidetta Refuda, Refuda responded to all such enquiries with variations of “The eidetta do not have empires.”
Iftus eventually countered: “Once, magicians did not have empires, until suddenly, we did.”
To which Refuda responded: “The eidetta did not.”
Always peaceable the eidetta would use their telekinetic powers to repel any direct, physical attack, but only ever to non-lethally disable their attacker. Even when their entire race - along with all other magically-aligned races - were targeted by the Scitteran Empire in the Age of War, they never sought revenge or allied themselves with any of the other empires. This did however lead to the first and only known time an eidetta showed something verging on gratitude. When Ipartus was rendered the last of their kind, the magicians of Witchaven took the eidetta with them when they fled to Alec-Cassem to escape the encroaching Scitteran forces. In response, Ipartus took up the position as head librarian of the Great Library of Alec-Cassem, said library having been neglected amongst the wars of that era. This arrangement persisted for more than a millennium, before Ipartus was tragically murdered by the rogue magician Acheron Beachis in 1636 M.E., thus bringing about the extinction of the eidetta.
“Two lit Mergenic candles, one enkiran eggshell, something learnt – OK now you just need the incantation.”
- Chapter 6, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Gallus Eruditus
Habitat: Snowy forests
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan: 10-12 Years
Species Density: Common
Range: Mostly the Hubris Peaks, but found anywhere sufficiently cold.
First found in the icy forests of the Hubris Peaks, the enkirans have since been brought to all of Paralex’s sufficiently chilly regions. The main reasoning for this is their remarkable capacity to be trained by even the most novice handler. Experienced trainers can produce yet greater results, so much so that enkiran circus acts and not uncommon in the mountains. So renowned is their natural malleability that many zoologists speculated the enkirans must have been bred by the Beastmasters of distant Karmune and Vasane. Though the Beastmasters have vehemently denied this.
Arguably the only reason the enkirans have not superseded the common chicken as the main source of white meat, is that they can only thrive in cold climates. Their dense, fluffy plumage provides excellent protection against harsh winds and their long, multi-jointed legs allow them to anchor themselves in place. They are also able to generate intense elastic potential energy and thus spring up to 5 feet in the air, to reach food or escape predators.
Their eggshells are a key ingredient in the Athena Summoning Ritual.
“Sam found the misshapen ghouls trying to startle him more sad than scary…”
- Chapter 16, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Timor Mortuus
Habitat: Any darkened or shadowy space
Diet: Emotivore
Average (Un)Lifespan: 5-7 Years
Species Density: Uncommon
Range: Throughout Paralex
Like all post-mortem beings, a ghoul is formed from a variable number of soul fragments who have failed to properly pass into the lands of the dead. Whilst a spectre represents a being formed mostly of higher-thinking fragments (such as from the Eight Great Races) and a bargeist is formed of more bestial fragments (such as from common animals), a ghoul is formed by an even - or as near as - mixture of both.
A ghoul’s form can alter based upon how well they have nourished themselves. Whilst a freshly formed or starved ghoul often appears as nothing more than a fanged disembodied head, a well-sated ghoul can reach to 12 feet and have multiple clawed limbs. In either state they remain translucent and can appear multiple shades of grey. However engorged a ghoul may be, none have ever been recorded as exerting a physical force on the world, unlike most other post-mortem beings. Their part-feral nature limits their intelligence in this regard. Despite being able to pass through most solid surfaces, as with other remnant beings, the ghoul will often attempt to enter doors and windows, treating the world around them as if it were still solid.
Eschewing the mystrovorous diet favoured by many of their remnant kin, ghouls subsist almost entirely upon fear. Sadness can give them some strength over time, but is not as nourishing. Happiness and direct laughter appears to cause them confusion or distress. Ironically, ghouls can be (depending on how well-formed they are) themselves quite easily frightened, so anger can often drive them out. It’s often common to see one or more lazy ghouls trailing after fearful spectres, parasitically feeding off of the fearful energy said spectres leave in their wake or inflict on others.
They typically form in darkened places such as closets or shadowed alleyways. From here they are best-placed to leap out at people, hoping to startle them and earn some momentary fear. Bolder ghouls may sneak into old houses or slip through gaps in poppy-defences, then lie in wait, ready to terrify the home’s occupants when they get up for a glass of water.
Largely nocturnal, in the daylight hours they fold themselves into a smaller form in order to rest and hopefully go undetected. Otherwise their attempts to scare during the day are notably weak, little more than a growl and a waving claw. As such this is the best time to remove a ghoul from a dwelling. As with most post-mortem beings, they can be repelled by poppy essence and permanently unformed by azrael silver. However the latter is commonly deemed unethical and so ghouls are typically shepherded into Remnant Districts or places such as forests and the like. Here they can while away their time, scaring small animals or even just each other.
“…We’ll need to force our way in. It’s only nearly impossible. There are a few things I could try. I’ll need at least a hundred Oberon Pearls, two gallons of Plutonian Sap, and a giraffe.”
“A giraffe?” Sam asked.
“Yes, long-necked creature – extremely magical. Come on then. I think Dersey Central Zoo has a few specimens we can ‘borrow’. If we leave now….”
- Chapter 9, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Giraffa Potestas
Habitat: Savannahs
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan: 30-35 years
Species Density: Rare
Range: Southern Reot and southern Dalloran
Most everyone knows - you must NEVER mess with a giraffe.
Though they possess no outwardly obvious means to defend themselves, a person needs only approach a giraffe to feel the immense magical energies flowing from their bodies. Magicians in particular report that magic cast in the presence of a giraffe is markedly more powerful.
Even lesser beasts know to be wary of giraffes, for though they are herbivores with no natural defences, they are avoided by all potential predators. When giraffes succumb to old age or disease, other creatures typically feel more at ease approaching their remains. However even then nothing will dare feed from them or disturb their bodies. This extends to higher-thinking beings too; throughout history no one is known to have ever performed an autopsy on a giraffe’s corpse to determine the source of their powers.
“Harcaser venom,” Mr. Cinnamon said, checking his notepad, “in Her Majesty’s soup.”
- Chapter 9, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Dendroaspis Corda
Habitat: Jungle underbrush
Diet: Carnivore
Average Lifespan: 12-13 Years
Species Density: Endangered
Range: Exclusive to the Stratigent Jep
Commonly taken as a sigil by assassins throughout Paralex, the harcaser boasts having the most lethal venom on the planet. If even a few drops are ingested by a person, they will suffer a fatal heart attack within either minutes or hours, the exact time varying by person. Further, harcaser venom appears colourless and produces only the most minute earthy scent, undetectable by most beings. It passes through the body remarkably quickly, leaving almost no trace and there is no known anti-venom.
The serpent itself can be identified by its unusual light pink scales, often making it stand out from the surrounding greens and browns of its jungle home. The harcaser prefers to conceal itself in the underbrush, from where it can lunge out at smaller prey. They will not hesitate to bite larger creatures if threatened. Females of the species have rings of black scales around the top of their tail. The harcasers have suffered from over-hunting, so desirable is their venom. They were once found in both the Mirandara Jungle and the Stratigent Jep, but are now only known in the latter and even there, they are now considered endangered.
When Sam went to sleep that night, it was with thoughts of ‘delicious’ honey-roast loamhog tenderloins….
- Chapter 18, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Sus Taediosus
Habitat: Forests
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan: 15-20 Years
Species Density: Common
Range: Throughout the forests of the Whistlemoors and the Wandrums
The much-discussed loamhog native to Dalloran's northern ranges, has been the subject of thousands of academic papers, countless lectures, and more than one lifetime of study. For the one remarkable fact which has confounded zoologists for centuries - is that the loamhog is utterly unremarkable.
It broadly resembles the domestic pig, though being slightly larger, hairier, and armed with tusks for defence. It is a minor delicacy in northern Dalloran, but besides this, there is little else to remark on the painfully mundane loamhog.
Even a creature so minute as a fruit-fly is notable for something (namely that they mould their food into the shape of various fruits before eating, hence their name) but the loamhog remains resolutely uninspiring. It boasts no notable abilities and magical experimentation has found no resonant reaction with any part of its body. Such has led to the collective conclusion that the zoologists of the world must surely be missing something.
Famously, Professor Zoanne McCabe spent 60 years of perpetual study, across dozens of loamhogs, observing them continually from birth to death, in the wild and in captivity. Yet even this seems to have been for nought. One need only look upon the epitaph on her grave, supposedly her last, dying words:
I have wasted my life.
With the horned head of a bull and a muscular body covered all over in short brown fur, the creature was easily twice Sam’s size. Powerful hooved feet stomped upon the stone floor like thunderclaps. Sam had glimpsed an image of this creature – which had been listed as extinct – when flicking through Cretchis Cretis: a minotaur. It looked down on him, snorted once, and charged.
- Chapter 16, Spirit Rider: The Royal Problem
Zoological Name: Taurus Praestes
Habitat: (Formerly) Mild climates
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan: 50-60 years
Species Density: EXTINCT
Range: NA (Guardian Beast)
First created by the Beastmasters of distant Karmune and Vasane in the Age of War, the minotaur proved a popular Guardian Beast. With their great strength, meagre herbivorous diet, and exceptional capacity for intelligence, it’s easy to see why the legendary Credo Pasiphae ordered 100 of them to protect his island home.
However this being the Age of War, conflicts of the world left the Beastmasters loosely watched, with yet fewer restrictions than in the modern day. When it was discovered what inhumane means led to the creation of the minotaurs and the other more sapient Guardian Beasts, it was ordered they all be destroyed.
Whilst officially extinct, rumours persist that in the sealed and forgotten parts of Paralex, horned monsters still tread the earth, protecting vaults and tombs of masters who’ve been dead a millennium or more.