Sam's story begins with him caught in the clutches of some telekinetic ducks. In the world beyond his town, many and more unusual creatures inhabit Paralex. He eventually receives a copy of Cretchis Cretis, an extensive bestiary covering the various beings living across the world. See below for select entries from Cretchis Cretis about the creatures Sam encounters and hears about in his journey.
Whilst Professor Goldwin has provided exhaustive field-sketches of many creatures, these prints are not available at current, due to the good professor (and his work) being ensnared in a voxhoxen nest in Faroose. Rescue efforts are ongoing.
Professor Ivor Lapps
Director. Norton Zoological Society
Previously, any creature which could feast on both flesh and vegetable matter, was dubbed an omnivore. Following greater understanding of emotivorous and mystrovorous beings, now the term for any creature which subsists on two or more diets is a multivore. The term omnivore is now, rightly, reserved for those scant few creatures which can survive on any combination of flesh, vegetable matter, emotions, or magic.
Professor Ivor Lapps
Director. Norton Zoological Society
Hi everyone!
Just a gentle reminder that mystrovores - despite the name - don't actually 'eat' magic. They leech latent mystroformic discharge from natural background magic surrounding them, leaving the magic itself unchanged. The magic cannot 'run out'. That's like saying the sea will run out. If people could stop saying that it would put many magicians at ease.
Master Archmage, Matt Pinely, Audiurge
Keeper of the Magus Staff of Knowledge
For an alphabetical arrangement of creatures, part 1.
For an alphabetical arrangement of creatures, part 2.
For details upon each of the eight allied races who jointly control Paralex, forming the backbone of civilisation. Humans, magicians, vampires, spectres, brachionites, atlantiens, dragons, and jasertas.
For details on unclassified beings: the Creators, the Spirit Rider, Magistructs, and the Demons.